Category: North Carolina
Go to The Two Jesses – Part 1Return to Title Page/Table of Contents Court Records It seems apparent that one of the Jesse’s died before October 1796, because at the October sessions of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions at Cumberland County, deeds that Jesse had been a party to are finally being…
Return to Title Page/Table of Contents In A Thames Family History: From Derbyshire, England 1584 to Cape Fear North Carolina to 2002 (Emert, 2002, self-published), on page 63, the following statement is found: “Joseph Thames came to Cape Fear area of North Carolina as a young man. He had been a school teacher since Thomas…
Return to Title Page/Table of Contents Much of what follows is Walt and Maxine’s work, with some edits for clarity and several additions of new records not included in Walt’s book. I will do my best to source Walt’s entries and provide hyperlinks to documentation where available. If the statement or phrase is in green…
Return to Title Page/Table of Contents Deed and other records point to the existence of a second Jesse Thames. We already know of the Jesse who is named in his father Joseph’s will dated 1780. As it turns out, there was another Jesse in Bladen/Cumberland; based on the documents found so far, he was very…
Return to Title Page/Table of Contents This deed stands out because it reveals more than a simple transfer of property. It tells us a few things. It’s a bit cumbersome, so I’ll take the liberty of breaking it up into paragraphs. 7 Aug 1779 – Bladen County DB 19 p 418-419 – No. 24, Joseph…
Return to Title Page/Table of Contents There is no family folklore to tell from where the Thames came before their arrival in the Colonies. Is Thomas Thems in Prince William County, Virginia the same man as Thomas of Beaufort, Craven and Bladen counties North Carolina? We know from Y-DNA studies of certain male Thames individuals…
Return to Title Page/Table of Contents After all, we don’t know when Thomas married Prudence. The only record that names Prudence is Thomas’s will dated 1758. If Thomas’s family was following the patronymic naming tradition, then we would expect to see the name Prudence recur in subsequent generations. Thomas had a daughter named Marcy, who…